Monday, March 30, 2009

The eight parts of speech (English Grammar)

  • Common Noun
  • Proper Noun
  • Abstract Noun
  • Collective Noun
  • Countable and uncountable Nouns
Detail of the explanation to follow...........

Qn. Why do teach English in the Centre?
  • The student need to learn basic English knowledge since the media of communication is English.
Qn. Do you teach the English lessons before the students are taught Vocational Subjects or how do teach?
  • The English periods are incorporated with the vocational Subjects and it depends on the time table drawn.
Qn. But you stated that the students need teaching on the eight parts of speech such that they can understand and communicate with easy among themselves or with their Instructor, do you say they haven't learn English before?
  • Not really did I say the students didn't learn English before but I was saying the media of communication in the Centre is English. The students need to be taught English as part of their skills in order to allow them interact with any other person that can't speak any other language apart from English.
Thanks Agreement, I will keep asking you questions as you keep writing on the other parts of speech. Thanks for your question Steven, I will always be ready to answer your questions.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Agreement,
    This is a good beginning. I can see that English will be well taught as Vocational subjects are being taught. I hope more people will read your blog and let me request you to post more articles so that you provide more learning to others. Thank you.
